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Restart all running services in OS X Server

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In some Linux distributions it's possible to restart all running services by typing
$/sbin/services.sh restart
This guide will help you to create an equivalent command in OS X Server. This should work on pretty much any OS X server version, but I have only tested it in Leopard Server and Snow Leopard Server.

First things first

Start by creating the script, I prefer nano but pretty much any text editor will do
$nano ~/Documents/serviceRestart
Paste this text into the script
# /bin/sh
echo "--- Script start ---"

# Create the array
services=( $(sudo serveradmin list) )

# Make the masterloop
for eachService in ${services[@]}; do

  # Check the status of the current service listed in the array
  tc=$(sudo serveradmin status $eachService | grep -io "RUNNING")

  # If the service is running, then restart it, we wont touch other services
  if [ "$tc" = "RUNNING" ]; then
    echo $i $eachService "(RUNNING)"
    sudo serveradmin stop $eachService && sudo serveradmin start $eachService

echo "--- Script end ---"
# /bin/sh
"--- Script start ---"
dd execute rights to the script
$sudo chmod +x ~/Documents/serviceRestart
And link the script into /usr/bin for easy execution
$sudo ln -s ~/Documents/serviceRestart /usr/bin/

Running the script

Open the terminal and enter
The sudo command inside the script might ask for your password. This is normal. Good luck!