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Programmatically check if an assembly is loaded in GAC with C#

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Maybe you are writing an installer of some kind or are depending on some external assemblies to have your .net program or website to work, I often do. So with no further ado. Here is a small program which will lead you to success in these matters *fanfare*. Example, running in console


Source Code

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ConsoleTestAssembly
    class Program
        static void Main()
            string response;

            var exist = AssemblyExist("Camelot.SharePointConnector", out response);
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(exist, Environment.NewLine, response, Environment.NewLine));

            exist = AssemblyExist("Camelot.SharePointIntegration", out response);
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(exist, Environment.NewLine, response, Environment.NewLine));

            exist = AssemblyExist("Camelot.NoExisting", out response);
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(exist, Environment.NewLine, response, Environment.NewLine));


        public static bool AssemblyExist(string assemblyname, out string response)
                response = QueryAssemblyInfo(assemblyname);
                return true;
            catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e)
                response = e.Message;
                return false;

        // If assemblyName is not fully qualified, a random matching may be 
        public static String QueryAssemblyInfo(string assemblyName)
            var assembyInfo = new AssemblyInfo {cchBuf = 512};
            assembyInfo.currentAssemblyPath = new String('', assembyInfo.cchBuf);

            IAssemblyCache assemblyCache;

            // Get IAssemblyCache pointer
            var hr = GacApi.CreateAssemblyCache(out assemblyCache, 0);
            if (hr == IntPtr.Zero)
                hr = assemblyCache.QueryAssemblyInfo(1, assemblyName, ref assembyInfo);
                if (hr != IntPtr.Zero)
            return assembyInfo.currentAssemblyPath;

    internal class GacApi
        internal static extern IntPtr CreateAssemblyCache(
            out IAssemblyCache ppAsmCache, int reserved);

    // GAC Interfaces - IAssemblyCache. As a sample, non used vtable entries 
    [ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown),
    internal interface IAssemblyCache
        int Dummy1();
        IntPtr QueryAssemblyInfo(
            int flags,
            String assemblyName,
            ref AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo);

        int Dummy2();
        int Dummy3();
        int Dummy4();

    internal struct AssemblyInfo
        public int cbAssemblyInfo;
        public int assemblyFlags;
        public long assemblySizeInKB;

        public String currentAssemblyPath;

        public int cchBuf;


Thats it.