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EPiServer Commerce error message "Failed to check the license."

Usually I develop most of my EPiServer Commerce stuff in console applications and then deploy them in a proper .net manner. Occasionally this error shows up when invoking a method that has license check involved.

License section

Verify that everything in this section in the app (or web) config is correct

    <licenseProvider defaultProvider="sqlProvider" allowUpload="True" licenseServerUri="http://licensing.mediachase.com/2.0/License.aspx">
            <add name="fileProvider" type="Mediachase.Licensing.FileStorageProvider, Mediachase.Licensing" storagePath="C:\EPiServer\eCommerceFramework\5.2\EPiServerCommerceManager\Licensing"/>
            <add name="sqlProvider" type="Mediachase.Licensing.SqlStorageProvider, Mediachase.Licensing" connectionStringName="EcfSqlConnection" tableName="" createTable="True"/>

and this section

These settings may not even be present in your app/web.config. Please ensure that they are and setup according to your preferences.

    <add key="BaseCatalog" value="Everything"/>
    <add key="BaseAddress" value="http://localhost:17000"/>