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Where is the SVN binary in Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8? Aha! there it is.

The 10.8 release of Mac OS was great. So great that Apple even somewhere decided to remove the originally built in svn binaries. Well it figures since 99.9% of all Mac OS users never will know what it is. Instead they moved the binaries into Xcode - yay! This means that we have to drag down Xcode from the App Store of a whopping 3.8 GB if we want the previous "built in" version of SVN. Well that's reasonable since the svn-package is like 348 KB on disk. Good thing that I'm not short on SSD space. Anyway, if you go the Apple way (I did, but I'm using Xcode every now and then anyway) download and install Xcode. The svn binary is located in the folder


The available SVN-binaries are


To make SVN usable simply do something like this

sudo ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/svn /usr/local/bin/svn