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Laborum, exercitation ea dolor proident, anim mollit tempor aliqua, id pariatur, velit laboris cillum voluptate dolore quis labore deserunt duis irure lorem excepteur aliquip ad. Laborum, dolore velit sint nulla sit nisi culpa eu proident, voluptate exercitation esse laboris reprehenderit labore consectetur ad magna aute anim amet, cillum do excepteur

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SASS and CSS for the Arrrows font

Arrrows is a free font-library filled with different, well, arrows created by Digital Telepathy licensed under a CC license. Since I use their stuff in some projects I'd like to share my font-mapping utilities for the library.


Decorate your classes

<div class="arrrow thin-gt-arrow-right"></div>
<div class="arrrow-bold thin-gt-arrow-left"></div>

Implement with sass

Render css for all possible arrrows

// get all arrows
@include get-arrrows();
// get all bold arrows
@include get-arrrows(true);

Render css for specific arrrows

// get the normal thin-gt-arrow-right
@include get-arrow(thin-gt-arrow-right);
// get the bold thin-gt-arrow-right
@include get-arrow(thin-gt-arrow-right, true);

Implement with css instead of sass

Complete reference

Click on each icon row for usage example

  • Class Normal Bold Char Unicode
  • {{arrrow.class}} {{arrrow.character}} {{arrrow.unicode}}
    <span class="arrrow {{arrrow.class}}"></span>
    <span class="arrrow-bold {{arrrow.class}}"></span>