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Injecting Umbraco IContentService into a Unity Container

I've been using Unity with Umbraco ModelsBuilder for a while. Figured I should share some of my snippets. Here is how you inject IContentService into the Unity Container.

About IContentService

From the docs: Defines the ContentService, which is an easy access to operations involving IContent. https://our.umbraco.com/apidocs/csharp/api/Umbraco.Core.Services.IContentService.html

Using with Unity

Unity, the Microsoft IoC Container. 

// Injecting existing contentservice instance into the unity container
// Eric Herlitz - www.herlitz.io
    lifetimeManager: new SingletonLifetimeManager(),
    injectionMembers: new InjectionFactory(
        c => ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService
Nothing fancy to it really, we simply register the singleton instance from ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService with the interface in the Unity IoC Container.


public class WhateverService
    private readonly IContentService _contentService;

    public WhateverService(IContentService contentService)
        _contentService = contentService;

    public string GetNameById(int id)
        return $"The name of the node is {_contentService.GetById(id).Name}";

    public IContent GetById(int id)
        return _contentService.GetById(id);

Unity will inject the IContentService using constructor injection and expose it in the _contentService variable. This will work in any injectable object in Umbraco as well as custom implementations and classes.